Had knobbly knees Similar unshapely (not wellproportioned and pleasing in shape) Derivation knobble (a small knob) What is the meaning of Knobble kneed?Define knobby knobby synonyms, knobby pronunciation, knobby translation, English dictionary definition of knobby n 1 A rounded protuberance 2 a A rounded handle, as on a drawer or door b A rounded control switch or dial 3 A prominent rounded hill or mountain
Yperbolika Adynath H Angelina Jolie Larisacitynews Gr
Knobbly knees meaning
Knobbly knees meaning-Having or covered with lumps or knobs;The meaning of KNOBBLY is having very small knobs How to use knobbly in a sentence

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Knobbly knees in a sentence Use knobbly knees in a sentence and its meaning 1 The programme starred Timmy Mallett as himself, Mark Speight as the Abominable No Man, Alex Lovell as Miss Thing and Roger Bremble as Aunty Knobbly Knees 2 However, the tracksuit bottoms ripped due to Dennis's knobbly knees and he ditched the jacket as his father could catch him Knobbly knees are unusually bony, with protruding kneecaps Just like a knob sticks out of a surface as a structured lump, so do your knees That is why the term fits the description You can also spell the term as knobby or nobly as McClure does Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Kate Moss, and Demi Moore have this type of knee "Knobby knees", which you and perhaps McCullers have spelled as "nobby knees", are knees that are bony and protrude more than usual from the leg Thin people are more apt to have them than heavier people are The adjective is related to the noun "knob" that describes a round protrusion or object
If a camper pitches her tent over a bumpy patch of ground, she'll feel all of those knobbly roots and rocks through her sleeping bag later This adjective, a variation on knobby, comes from knob,"Knobby knees", which you and perhaps McCullers have spelled as "nobby knees", are knees that are bony and protrude more than usual from the leg Thin people are more apt to have them than heavier people areWritten by Martin Cruz 22 June, 11 Knobby knees are part of a person's bone structure, and the best way to get rid of them without surgical procedures is through leg exercises 1 Aside from strengthening and toning the legs, these exercises also increase the overall mass of the leg muscles that stabilize and support the knees, making knees look less bulky
1 knobbly having knobs; Incredibly, Dr Ashton also believes very knobbly knees could be a sign that some skinny stars are technically obese, which means they may suffer from high cholesterol levels and insulin resistance"a stout unshapely woman" Based on WordNet 30, Farlex clipart collection © 0312 Princeton University, Farlex Inc Translations

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Adjective adjective knobblier, adjective knobbliest Having lumps which give a misshapen appearance 'knobbly knees' More example sentences 'knobbly potatoes' 'Like us, other guests had hauled their summer clothing out of the cellar, and they paraded around the restaurant, revealing their white legs and knobbly knees' 'I donned the shorts to expose white knobblyKnobbly adj , blier, bliest having or covered with small knobs;Something that is knobby or knobbly has lumps on it which stick out and make the surface uneven knobby knees What does knucklehead mean in slang?

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Bumpy English Collins Dictionary English Definition & Thesaurus See also knobby, knob, knolly, knoblike Collaborative Dictionary English Definition the bee's knees exp the duck's nuts, the best, the dog's bollocks Although it is called a disease, Osgood's is more of an injury that develops through overuse of the quadricep muscle, which, in an adolescent, causes strain on the developing tibia causing the bone to flake This can result in a hard bony bump as the bone heals, which is why Osgood's has the nickname 'knobbly knee'What does it mean to have knobbly knees?

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Knotty adjective 1 0Knobbly definition having lumps (= raised areas) on the surface Learn more"had knobbly knees" knobby unshapely not wellproportioned and pleasing in shape;

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Word forms comparative knobblier, comparative knobbier, superlative knobbliest, superlative knobbiest adjective Something that is knobbly or knobby has lumps on it which stick out and make the surface uneven knobbly knees potatoes that are very knobbly and difficult to peel COBUILD Advanced English DictionaryKnobbly , knobby Something that is knobbly or knobby has lumps on it which stick out and make the surface uneven adj knobbly knees Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary See also knobby, knob, knoll, knowingly Collaborative Dictionary English Cobuild the bee's knees expWhat does knobblykneescompetitions mean?

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Having lumps (= raised areas) on the surface knobbly knees/elbows Rough, irregular and uneven abrasion What does knobby knee mean?Plural form of knobblyknees competition (noun)

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